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Sherbrooke (Québec)
J1K 1B9 - Canada
Phone : (819) 563-3641
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Toll free : 1-866- 549-1111


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Please select one of our flyers in the list below :

Description : Name and file size :
Archimedes flyer 1 Flyer1.pdf
 220 Ko
Archimedes flyer 2 Flyer2.pdf
1670 Ko
Mecanics flyer Mecanics flyer.pdf
972 Ko
Truck flyer Truck flyer.pdf
1582 Ko
Industrial flyer Industrial flyer.pdf
1131 Ko

Please select one of our catalogues in the list below :

Description : Name and file size :
Archimedes full line catalogue Archimedes full line catalogue.pdf
 1.9 Mo
Filtration FILTRATION.pdf

280 Ko


Sélectionnez la notice d'installation de votre choix dans la liste suivante :

Description : Name and file size :
Valve D125 Notice valve D125.pdf
344 Ko
Valve D126 Notice valve D126.pdf
378 Ko
Switch #1591 Switch 1591.pdf
95 Ko
Relay #RL021 Relay RL021.pdf
33 Ko
Console APT-A-14-L Notice console APT-A-14-L.pdf

124 Ko

Warranty policy Warranty policy.pdf

35 Ko

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